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Monthly Focus Lists

Consistently Outperforming The Markets Since 2000

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The Relaxed Way To Outperform The Markets

"This is the secret that allowed busy part-time investors generated an average growth of 52.28% per year between years 2000 and 2022 (2022 included!) in under one hour a month... and now you can join the Club"

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Which stocks are the best right now?

Even during the worst market downturns, there are winners if you know where to look.

any trading system works on a winner

There's nothing easier than trading a strong chart

All you need to do is buy, right? Either buy the dip for a rebound, or buy the break-out toward new highs. Hold until the steam runs out, sell for a profit, wait for another signal and do it again!

That's all true, but why are most traders still losing money and quitting within less than a year on average, and why is it so hard for most to beat simply buying the index?

Identifying strong charts after the fact is easy but...

Knowing which charts will be strong next few weeks is much harder

Technical analysis works the best when the fundamental analysis has been well done and all you have left are companies where there is a good reason for the stock price to move higher.

But fundamental analysis is a completely different ball game, and the fact is that most of us have no idea how to do it... and most of those who do, they don't know if their fundamental analysis methods work consistently, and exactly how good they are.

The reason is that while back-testing a technical analysis approach on any given chart requires simply going through all the occurrences of the trigger conditions on that chart, validating a fundamental analysis approach requires an investor to go through all the charts and see which ones match your rules... for let's say 20+ years to ensure the method is robust under all market conditions!

finding the bottom is pretty difficult

Well... that's exactly what we did!

We went through a large set of fundamental analysis methods such as valuation ratios, analyst price target averages, revenue and profit growth rates and so forth. We made countless combinations of these fundamental analysis components and combined that with both price and volume data, and also some good old industry group analysis, to find out what actually works consistently.

Consistency is key, so we analyzed these rules for thousands of companies on the US stock market from year 2000 onward to make sure the method survives times like the dotcom bubble, the Great Recession, the upward trend that followed, 2018 and 2020 as well... and naturally also the bear market that started in 2022.

And when the dust settled, we had a set of rules that allows us to identify up to ten stocks that have a very strong likelihood to outperform the markets over the next four week.

We went through a large set of fundamental analysis methods such as valuation ratios, analyst price target averages, revenue and profit growth rates and so forth. We made countless combinations of these fundamental analysis components and combined that with both price and volume data, and also some good old industry group analysis, to find out what actually works consistently.

Consistency is key, so we analyzed these rules for thousands of companies on the US stock market from year 2000 onward to make sure the method survives times like the dotcom bubble, the Great Recession, the upward trend that followed, 2018 and 2020 as well... and naturally also the bear market that started in 2022.

And when the dust settled, we had a set of rules that allows us to identify up to ten stocks that have a very strong likelihood to outperform the markets over the next four week.

Introducing: Monthly Focus Lists

Reversal Catcher System

This portfolio service with 52.28% annual average growth since 2000 is a favorite of most our technical analysis oriented swing traders as well as many monthly investors. Whether you use our Reversal Catcher System, our Climbing Valleys Strategy System, or something else, a focus list that delivers a 42.84% CAGR without any attempt at timing the market can certainly set you up for success.



A Focus List Every Four Weeks

A Focus List Every Four Weeks

We run our scanners during the rebalancing weekend and upload the list to a private members' area on Saturday or Sunday.

Simply set a calendar reminder for the key dates, so you can prepare your moves in advance and have your orders ready on Monday.

Get Going Fast, The Right Way

Get Going Fast, The Right Way

Our simple learning resources will get you going in no time. You should literally need no more than 60 minutes to understand how to use the system right.

And if you ever run into problems or simply are not sure, you can reach out to our premium support any time and we will help you out.

Track, Analyze and Improve Your Results

Track, Analyze and Improve Your Results

Always know if you are on track with our easy-to-use periodic performance review templates.

You will also get access to over 20 years of previous Focus Lists performance data, so in addition to benchmarking your performance, you can benchmark the strategy's performance.

Here's How The System Works

Look for a reversal trigger, verify momentum and go.

That's all. See below what this means. (It's pretty simple!)

Prepare your moves in advance

Prepare your moves in advance

Once we run the scanner that gives us the focus list, we update that on the private members area (and notify you via email) over a weekend, so you can prepare your moves in advance for the next week's first trading day.

You will learn which stocks are on the list, and what is the base strategy's optimal buy price.

take it easy

Buy and take it easy (or trade more actively)

The base strategy simply buys all the stocks in focus in equal dollar amounts at the ideal buy price, and holds them for four full weeks. That's all: it does precisely nothing else.

You could look to do the same, or buy a bit cheaper with a limit order to get an edge...

Or use the focus list to give you a strong group of companies to trade using your trading systems (such as our Reversal Catcher and Climbing Valleys)

close and repeat

Close after four weeks, and repeat

The base strategy holds all positions for four weeks and closes them on the last day. (You will naturally know all the days in advance!)

As humans, we naturally have the power to use resistance levels, Fibonacci targets or any other technical analysis methods (or simple % profit targets) to define our exits. The choice is yours!

Consistent high ROI is a choice

If you think it must be hard or complicated... we disagree!

Well... honestly, going through all those companies over all those years was pretty hard and extremely time-consuming.

Now that we have done it, it's done. Putting the knowledge to use and benefiting from it is not hard.

See the Monthly Focus Lists (dark blue) vs S&P 500 (light blue) benchmark above?

These results are achieved simply buying equal dollar amounts of all the stocks in focus, keeping them for four weeks and then closing down. Repeating this simple routine over and over again, each four weeks, and never straying from the path.

The only thing that's hard is sticking to the proven system.


It's so boring most folks who think trading and investing must be active and has to require a lot of time and attention will want to start doing other things... and unless they are good (like, for real), they will simply hurt their results by complicating this!

But if you are a good trader with a solid P/L and a strong method, you should be able to easily beat the already impressive performance of the Monthly Focus Lists by applying your technical analysis method on the companies that have a very good reason to go up. Seriously: If you are good, how hard can it be for you to beat a system that buys once in 4 weeks and holds for 4 weeks no matter what happens on the markets?

And if you want to take it easy, you could simply use the method as it has been designed and rebalance your portfolio just 13 times a year! (Once in 4 weeks.)


Monthly Focus List Benefits

This is not just another portfolio service run by a bunch of stock analysts. Here's why...

rules based system

A strictly rules-based system

For us, stock-picking is a process that has no room for human error in it.

When we run the scanner, we get a list of stocks, and this list is the only list. There is no emotion-prone human selection process of going through charts and thinking about what could be hot right now.

Our scanner does all of that based on rules we have developed, and when we get a list, it is The List: our algorithms go through every stock available for trading in the US and selects the best matches, and then gives a list of up to 10 best stocks. Not one more, ever.

statistically proven results

No opinions. Only statistically proven results.

If you want to have opinions and academic speculation, go read any stock market news website, or watch CNBC or YouTube. There's plenty.

Our method has no room for that.

The Monthly Focus Lists is based on our proprietary Trading Mastery Method which means that every strategy in our portfolio has been tested with over 20 years of stock market data (financial numbers, analyst estimates, price, volume...) and we have selected only the best and most consistently winning strategies as the back bone of our Monthly Focus Lists.

consistent outperformance

Over 20 years of consistent outperformance

The Monthly Focus Lists system has outperformed the S&P 500 18 years out of 23 since 2000. The average annual return is roughly 52.28% (CAGR 42.84%) while the index returned under 8% on average per year (6.47% CAGR) during the same period.

This system created fantastic returns during the IT bubble crash in the early 2000s and recovered much faster than the markets from the Great Recession and the COVID crash.

So not only is using the Monthly Focus Lists a good way to outperform the markets, the drawdown during worse times has at least in the past been easier to endure. Bigger wins, smaller losses: what's not to like?

near passive wealth ceation

Simple, near-passive system for compounding wealth

Add new low-effort income streams to improve your financial stability and life quality without a lot of time invested.

If you want to become an active day trader, this service is not for you.

But if you are looking for a reliable method for consistent outperformance with roughly monthly portfolio managing cadence, the Monthly Focus Lists is what you have been looking for.

Let's Look At The Numbers

Over 42.8% Compound Annual Growth Rate

And over 52% average annual growth... but the word "average" can be dangerous, so we think you may want to take a closer look. The image below shows the system's growth per year since 2000, and a rather unfair benchmark against the S&P500 index.

monthly focus benchmark

You can see that not every year has been fantastic. Over the past 23 years, the system had five losing years (while S&P500 had eight) and the system actually underperformed the index only in 2007, 2011, 2018 and 2019.

You can also see that

  • There were 9 years that gave an over +50% growth.

  • 5 years produced more than +100% gains.

  • 2 years yielded more than +150% ROI.

  • All this just by buying and holding stock for 4 weeks and then changing focus.

  • No options, no stop-losses, no staring at charts... nothing complicated.

And sure enough, many of the stocks have options on them so if you are or you want to become an advanced trader who knows how to deploy leverage without getting into trouble...

That works wonders too. (And at Option Investors Club, we love to do that.)

But the results you see above require none of that.

However, if you combine this with for example our Climbing Valleys Strategy System, you find companies like VLO (on Monthly Focus April and May lists) and then you can take these shorter term trades on a high-potential name with a good reason to go higher right now (while almost everything else is going down in 2022...)

VLO - combining monthly focus with climbing valleys

VLO was on the Monthly Focus Lists in April and May 2022, so one could have easily locked in a +30% profit on VLO by simply buying the stock at around $100 and selling later at $130. No stress.

For somebody trading stock with a $10k risk per position, that would have been a very nice


And that's just good old shares. No options needed. (If you know how to use them, however, the results may become unbelievably good. You have been warned!)

VLO has was on the Monthly Focus Lists in April and May 2022, so I did not trade the two first moves that a Climbing Valleys Strategy System user who knew this company could have traded, but the move from April onward...

I took a first shot at it with a call calendar spread for roughly +130% return and then sold some vertical puts for another +70%.

You can probably see that we could easily ask a few thousand dollars for this as an annual subscription and investors with moderate account sizes would happily pay that because they know just one win would easily pay it back...

And we probably will, but not yet.


Choose The Plan That Works For You

Monthly Subscription

$97 / month

  • Up to ten stocks with a great reason to go higher right now

  • Delivered to you with price guidance in advance

  • History of market-crushing ROI with less than 60 minutes a month

  • Learn the two key benchmarks that matter, and optimize your portfolio growth

Annual Subscription

$997 / year

  • Up to ten stocks with a great reason to go higher right now

  • Delivered to you with price guidance in advance

  • History of market-crushing ROI with less than 60 minutes a month

  • Learn the two key benchmarks that matter, and optimize your portfolio growth

  • Over 15% annual savings



Option Investors Club Iron-Clad 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

"Spend 30 full days using this as much as you want. If you don't see the value in it, just ask for a refund by contacting our support.

And if you forget the date and write in a few days after the guarantee period ends, don't worry about it. We will refund your purchase anyway.

If you don't see the value, I don't want the money. Sound fair?"

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know Monthly Focus Lists will work for me?

You know, when folks ask the question "What if this does not work for me…"

What I'm really hearing is: "Hey, I like everything you have shown me but I'm not sure I can do this."

You know, I could sit here all day and tell you this is going to be super easy… but it is not, and if you have been trading or investing any amount of time, you probably know it.

Tools and strategies can be simple to use… but still difficult to follow.

Fear and greed make traders blow up accounts, and while these signals are super accurate, FOLLOWING THEM may not be easy.

So… while on paper, trading and investing is simple: you buy cheap, and you sell expensive…

Many people do the exact opposite. And many quit: Based on research done by some university folks, 40% of all traders quit within their first month and just one in five last over two years.

But: those who quit never get to enjoy the life that consistently profitable traders and investors can achieve.

And guess why they quit?

They take trades that feel good, but that are doomed to fail. They do not have a system for choosing their trades!

While nothing is perfect (and you have seen that four years out of 22, the Monthly Focus Lists underperformed S&P500), the average annual returns have been very good... and who knows, maybe they continue to be.

As you are still here weighing this decision, I have a feeling that you are one of those people who do not give up.

If you think this system could help you increase your ROI on the markets, here's how you can try this without any risk:

Start your Monthly Focus Lists membership today and test it for 30 days on a demo account.

Your purchase will be covered by the 30 days 100% money back guarantee, so there is no risk on that front, and using a demo account instead of risking your real portfolio means that you are not risking your capital on the test either.

How much time will trading this system take?

People with busy professional lives and a family to take care of may worry about not having enough time to use the Monthly Focus Lists.

With active trading, that's a very valid point!

With this approach, however, there is absolutely no need to be active: the whole system has been designed so that unless you really want to complicate this, you literally need to check your account two times during a four week period: once to open trades and roughly four weeks later to close them.

That's how the system has been designed to be used, and that's the behavior that led to the results you saw in the benchmark graph: over 54% average annual growth over the past 22 years!

The schedule is always the same, so it is possible to make space in also a tight schedule for something that happens twice per month and takes less than 30 minutes both those times.

Would you be ready to take investing and trading seriously if it would require you to make sure you have a bit of time just twice a month?

We both know getting consistent high ROI through investing and trading is more important than those few moments.

Become a Monthly Focus Lists member now and start using it to improve your ROI

Your purchase will be covered by the 30 days 100% money back guarantee, and if you use a demo account instead of risking your real portfolio, you can have a 100% risk-free testing period. (You can naturally terminate your membership at any point you like also after the guarantee period.)

Nothing to lose, a lot to win.

What is the win rate?

63% of the four-week-periods since 2000 have been profitable... which is exactly the same number as for the S&P 500.

The average winning period gives a +9% gain (while for S&P 500 the same number is +3.1&) and the average losing period is a -6.3% drop (for S&P 500, this is -3.7%). So while the Monthly Focus Lists is more volatile, the winners outweigh the losers by a more than 2:1 ratio while for S&P 500 the losers are larger than winner and the only reason why S&P 500 is profitable is that 63% win rate!

Monthly Focus Lists largest winning period gave a solid +55.2% gain (+15.1% for S&P 500) and the worst period resulted in a -32.8% drop (-16.1% for S&P 500)... and the largest drawdown was -58.8% (-48.8% for S&P 500)

While embracing volatility is the way to reach solid returns (when done the right way), those numbers may be too high for you, and if they are, you probably should not subscribe to this service!

If you think the volatility is worth it, however, here's what I suggest you to do:

Start your Monthly Focus Lists membership today and put the volatility to work!

Your purchase will be covered by the 30 days 100% money back guarantee, so there is no risk on that front, and using a demo account instead of risking your real portfolio means that you are not risking your capital on the test either.

How do I contact support?

You can reach our support via email. Please write your emails in English and send them to support@optioninvestors.club

Why is Monthly Focus Lists so cheap?

The main reason this is so affordable is that we want to get a wide user base before bringing price on-par with similar services from other watch list system vendors on the market.

Become a Monthly Focus Lists member today and lock in this affordable price!

Why is this so expensive?

For folks with a smaller portfolio, a $97 monthly payment may feel a bit pricey... that's $1,164.00 per year, after all!

And while we could say that with a $2k portfolio, the average 54% annual return would give you a $1,080 growth on an average year, we both know that this is not how it goes.

One: average years do not happen - the actual years range from +202.80% to -24.27%. There's no way to know what happens when you join, we will see that after the fact.

Two: you probably need to consider taxes too.

So unless you plan to increase your portfolio size monthly or something like that (which is super clever, by the way, and we think everybody should do it), using Monthly Focus Lists with a portfolio that's smaller than $10,000 may not be something that makes you feel happy about your gains.

Ultimately that's up to you to decide, however.

+50% on $5k would be +$2.5k minus whatever taxes need to be paid. You can very likely pay the annual cost and still keep something for yourself, but this obviously works much better on bigger accounts...

Anyway, if your account size is not in the micro account range, we can probably agree that $97 per month is a very affordable price for the Monthly Focus Lists. If that's you, we are very happy to invite you to become our client!

Join us today and start using the Monthly Focus Lists to increase your ROI.

Are you using this yourselves, or just selling crap to fools online?

That's a great question.

While it may be true that internet is half-full of crap, and there certainly are trading gurus out there who have never traded for real...

We develop technology first and foremost for our own use. Some of the technology is made available to our customers. (And the main reason for developing this stock market scanner was very precisely rooted in our desire to not believe what folks on the internet say!)

The technology we make available for consumers needs to be reliable, provide good quality information, and it has to be easy to use so our support email box does not get flooded.

The way we use the Monthly Focus Lists ourselves is for idea-generation. We then apply our technical analysis systems to the stocks on the list for trades that combine winning fundamental analysis with data-driven timing and risk control.

However, this may still not be right for you: if you would rather spend your time day trading crypto currencies, the slow pace of the Monthly Focus Lists will probably put you to sleep. We believe this is best suited for busy folks who have a career and maybe also a family, and who want a simple and reliable method to outperform the markets during good times and bad.

Here's how to find out easily and 100% risk free if you like the Monthly Focus Lists:

Become a Monthly Focus Lists member now and test it for 30 days on a demo account.

I like how this looks, but can I really trust you?

I don't know... and maybe you do not even need to.

Instead of deciding whether you want to trust me or not, how about you find out yourself if the system is good for you?

The 30 days guarantee is there for a reason: if I were to tell you "sure, you can trust me", I'm not sure you would. With the guarantee in place, I believe you do not need to.

With the 30-days 100% money back guarantee to remove your risk from the purchase (and the possibility to test the system on a demo account and avoid all financial risk), the question becomes "do you trust yourself to test the system and validate that it is worth including into your trading and investing toolkit?"

Because if you just buy this and never use it, that's money wasted. 100%.

But since you are here at the bottom of the page reading through the FAQ, I believe that when you become a Monthly Focus Lists member, it is for the reason that you want to put it to use...

And before putting it to real use, you want to validate that you can follow the system as it is described and taught on the members area (unless you are looking to use this as a watch list to find shorter term trades from), and that trading with this tool by your side suits your trading / investing personality and you feel good about doing it.

If that's what you would do, I have this one friendly recommendation for you, from an investor and a trader to a colleague:

Join us as a Monthly Focus Lists member today, put it to the test, and validate it's suitability for you.

If you hate it, that's too bad for me. You can simply email our customer support within the 30-day guarantee period and get a 100% refund. If you do that, I would be honored to learn why you hate the system so that I can improve it... but you absolutely do not need to tell any reasons: your refund request, if you make one, shall be accepted.

And if you like it, great! I'm eagerly looking forward to hearing your success stories!

DISCLAIMER: Any ROI figures stated above or in any of the training materials are not to be taken as a typical or guaranteed result or as any type of earnings claim... implied or otherwise. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. While our strategy has created the results stated above, we cannot guarantee similar results for the future years or decades. Moreover, the results of a strategy are not your results. (Yours may be higher or lower.) Your results will vary and depend on many factors… including but not limited to your background, experience, ability to understand the method, willingness and ability to follow the system as it has been designed, and your personal work ethic. All investing and trading entails risk and you should never risk money you cannot afford to lose. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR SERVICES.

Please read our full disclaimer (available by clicking the link below) for more details.

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Option Investors Club helps investors and traders reach consistent market-crushing ROI so that they can enjoy more abundance and freedom before and after retirement.

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